Monday, February 4, 2008


Of the three Democratic candidates I like Edwards the most, which really isn't saying a whole lot. Like might even be too strong of a word. It's really more of a vague preference. Who knows, maybe it's my inner sexist and racist that feels more comfortable voting for a white guy. Regardless he has very little chance of winning but stranger things have happened. Edwards in the news:

His wife has cancer.

Yeah that's about it. At this point he's almost been relegated to "also ran" status. If he sticks it out (and starts sucking up to whoever ends up being the front runner after SUPER DUPER MEGA AWESOME HUUUUUUUUUGE ÜBER TUESDAY) he might have a shot at the VP spot. He's young enough that 8 years from now (pretty much the only time a VP runs) he'd be a viable candidate touting his experience (assuming those 8 years go well).

Edwards is pretty standard fare for a candidate. Middle aged white guy with good hair and a law degree. He's been around too long to play Obama's change card but not political enough to play the experience card that they decided to let Clinton play (not really sure why but they have). This is both his strength and his weakness. He has the charisma and the charm to be competitive, but he can't compare to the perception that electing a black candidate or a female candidate makes us better as a country. The Democrats seem to have decided that it's more important to look like they don't care about race or gender than to elect the better candidate. Either that or he's just as much a mediocre candidate as the rest of them.

If you think he's the best candidate then vote for him, if you don't then don't. I'm personally not convinced, but by all means do try to convince me.

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