Monday, February 4, 2008


I have a love/hate relationship with Clinton. She's pretty much a calculating, manipulative bit... er... politician. And I think that those are her good qualities. Now let's see what the news can tell me about her:

She's a woman.
She's married to Bill Clinton.
Bill Clinton is a womanizing liar.
Bill Clinton used to be president.
Bill Clinton was our best/worst president in recent history.

See, now here we have a problem. Aside from the fact that she's a woman, most of the news is about Bill. Now don't misunderstand, I'm a big fan of Bill. Mostly because he was a good politician and a good president, horrible human being, but a good president. I'm one of those people that just doesn't really care what politicians do in their free time (within reason of course). If they want to go around diddling their interns while their wife is gone, that's fine with me. I may not let my hypothetical children apply to be their interns, but I'll still vote for them as long as their diddling doesn't interfere with their job. But regardless of any of that, he's not the one running. I know he's making a lot of speeches for her (much like Mrs. Edwards is making speeches for John) so by all means tell us what he's saying but don't act like it's his campaign. This isn't some sneaky way for him to get back in power, I mean come on, they don't even get along that well (probably has something to do with the intern diddling).

Now to address her supporters. If you can't admit that she's an opportunistic and power hungry politician you're going to be in for a rude awakening. She's cutthroat and ultimately she's out to win. Personally I think those are good qualities for a president to have. She'll do whatever it takes to get her way which is good, just so long as you agree with her. But then if you don't agree with her policies why are you voting for her?

Now for race and/or gender. She's a woman. Yep, I said it. She's also intelligent and well educated. Her gender is irrelevant. She's no more emotional or indecisive than any man I've ever met. Less than most. But again... if her gender is the only reason you're voting for her then you're an idiot. And a sexist.

If you think she's the best candidate then vote for her, if you don't then don't. I'm personally not convinced, but by all means do try to convince me.

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