Friday, June 29, 2012

I'm not sure how I feel about this (and neither are you) AKA: Obligatory Healthcare Ruling Post

I honestly have no idea how I feel about the healthcare ruling.  This is in part because I don't know how I feel about Obamacare to begin with.  It's a monstrous bill that manages to combine economics (which I'm still convinced is some kind of voodoo magic) and social welfare policy (which I understand well enough, I'm just not convinced in the goodness [or badness] of it).  That said, even if I had a strong opinion on the issue, I'm not sure I'd know how the ruling made me feel.  Luckily for me, the more I read, the more I realize that no one else does either.

I can say, with absolute certainty, that this decision is either a dramatic victory for Obama, a dramatic victory for Conservatives, a dramatic loss for Obama, a dramatic loss for Conservatives, or possibly a dramatic victory for Conservatives disguised as a dramatic victory for Obama.  Or possibly a mixed and incoherent ruling.

Okay, seriously News Media.


I really don't ask for that much from you people but seriously, this is ridiculous.  Now, I get that there are different reactions to things like this.  One side won, the other lost.  Whether or not your side won should determine whether you think this is the best or worst decision since Sliced v. Bread.

I think I know what's going on.  I think we're trapped in a suspicion loop.  We've gotten to a point where we can't accept a victory (or a defeat) because we're constantly watching for the "hidden agenda".  Sure, it looks like a victory, but that's just what they want us to think!  But it's okay we know what they're really up to.  But wait, they know that we know, so maybe it's a double ploy to get us off balance!  But if they know we know that they know we know, then EVERYONE DIES.

So who knows.  Maybe this is good, maybe it's bad.  Maybe we won't really be able to estimate that for another 20 years.  And maybe, just maybe, we would be better served by a little more reporting on the facts and implications thereof without tainting them with who won or who lost.

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