Wednesday, September 3, 2008

Well at Least They're Safe...

Right, so it's been a few months since I've written anything and I'm sorry about that, but the elections got boring. For the first time in my memory we had two nominees who won on moderate platforms. Both McCain and Obama had independents to thank for their early wins. Granted their moderate platforms were very different. Obama was running on a platform of change and hope while McCain ran on what I can only describe as curmudgeony experience.

Sadly they are still boring. I had high hopes for the VP choices. They really could have woken up the moderate center of America that is tired of far left/far right politics. They could have made a real effort at reuniting the country. They decided not to.

Obama, candidate of change, hope, and vague idealism. His VP choice: Joe Biden, epitome of Washington Establishmentism. I have nothing against Biden really, but he doesn't fit with a platform of change. He's been in the Senate for 35 years. The only interesting part of his selection as VP is watching the liberal media outlets bend over backwards to paint him as a "Washington Outsider". Apparently going home regularly (he lives a whole 2 hours away) is enough to keep you "outside" in Washington.

Meanwhile over in McCain land we witness the candidate of EXPERIENCE (said in a loud booming voice). His VP choice: Sarah Palin the first term governor of Alaska. Apparently she's some kind of darling for the social conservatives, but again, she doesn't fit with a platform of experience. She's been Governor of Alaska for 2 years. Before that she was mayor of a town about half the size of my college for 6 years. Again, however, it is entertaining to watch the conservative media outlets bend over backwards to paint her as experienced. Apparently she's better than Obama or Biden because two years is more than either of them (or McCain) has in the executive branch. Also, it's apparently worth noting that since Alaska is so close to Russia, she has foreign policy experience, in much the same way that everyone living next to the ocean is an Olympic Swimmer.

In conclusion, I'm still utterly disappointed in the candidates. Maybe one of them will excite me by November... but I doubt it.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Ah Will, I missed you. Glad to have you back! :)