Friday, March 14, 2008

Do you Spitzer swallow?

This is overdue but you aren't paying me so tough.

Alright so Eliot Spitzer, former District Attorney, former Attorney General, and now former Governor. I'm glad he agreed to resign. He certainly didn't deserve to keep his position after the whole scandal. Now don't get me wrong, I don't actually care that he committed adultery, that's between him and his wife. I don't even care that he hired a prostitute, if someone wants to sell themselves for sex I think it's their own choice (forced prostitution is clearly not their choice and a different issue entirely). As far as I'm concerned he needed to step down because he was stupid about it. I mean really, why does the governor of New York need to hire a prostitute? I thought that was what they had interns for.

All joking aside, he really was an idiot. He should've known better than to use wire transfers much less prostitutes. He prosecuted prostitution rings so he knew what they were capable of finding out. Really it isn't his immorality or his philandering that bothers me; it's his apparent incompetence in his former jobs. I can excuse his indiscretions, but I can't excuse his poor judgment in being indiscreet.


Unknown said...

You had to make that the headline, didn't you. Sigh.

Will said...

It was a little low brow, but so is getting caught paying four thousand dollars for a hooker. I would've used "Spitzer? But I hardly know her!" but someone else beat me to it.

Unknown said...

lol, fair enough